Study 2 - Causal Loop Diagram DELPHI Study
Participant Information Data
The research being undertaken is seeking to understand the impact that backlog maintenance is having on the acute sector of the NHS, and specifically patient outcomes. I am also seeking to understand why, despite the high levels of backlog maintenance across the NHS, it is not being addressed.
This study will give further understanding of the decision-making process and how the impact of backlog maintenance is perceived by senior managers within the NHS. ​This section of the study will involve a ‘Delphi’ study questionnaire where through iterative rounds of response I seek to gain consensus on the questionnaire.
The questionnaire will contain seven questions which will look at key system variables and their interactions. Participants will be asked to complete questions which range from ranking the variables to semi-free text questions asking participants to suggest new variables.​Once a threshold of completed questionnaires have been returned, the data will be analysed to see if a consensus can be reached. If not, the survey will be re-sent to all participants with the detail of where the group reached and did not reach consensus. The participants are then asked to review, and if they agree with the consensus, amend their survey response. Additional rounds may be requested based on the feedback of the previous rounds and the level of consensus reached.
Key Documents
Below you will find some key documents / links for the study
Glossary of Terms
Participant Information Sheet - Delphi Study
Consent Form - Delphi Study
Complaints: All complaints regarding the study should be directed to my supervisors: Sally Brailsford <>
Martin Kunc <>